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Midtown Training, LLC. strives to have the lowest prices of any training organization.   To offer these low prices, parts of the classes are offered online and then the student comes to the training facility to perform the practicum and take the proctored exam. 

Courses prices are composed of four fee's.  These fees include a registration fee, class price, consumables fee and the testing and proctoring fee:
Registration Fee: Annual school registration fee.
Class Price: The cost of the class including the lecture and the hands-on components.  This price includes the printed material such as the book and any training manual.
Consumables Fee: The fee includes the materials used during the practicum component of the class.  Each class also has a list of material that can be procured by the student
Proctoring / Testing Fee: The first testing fee is included in the cost of the class.  If a student fails the certification test, the student may need to retake the test a second or third time.   Each time, other than the first, the student pays an additional $50 per / retake.